Sunday, February 26, 2012

Most Well-Equipped Taxi Driver in Hong Kong

I counted 6 cell phones, 4 bluetooth headsets, GPS, mini front-view camera, external speakers mounted in visor, radar detector (I think), plus all the other normal taxi stuff.  Talk about distracted driving...

HK Hike: TST to Pokfulam, via Peak and Lugard/Hatton Rd. (Feb. 26, 2012)

Starting in East TST to Star Ferry, then Central through HK Botanical Gardens, then Old Peak Road to The Peak, around Hatton Rd. and Lugard Rd., and then down to Pokfulam Reservoir.

Regal Kowloon Hotel (Feb. 25, 2012)

HK Hike: Admiralty to The Peak; and Lugard Rd. loop (Feb. 25, 2012)

Started at Admiralty MTR in late afternoon, headed up through Hong Kong Park, then Old Peak Road up to The Peak.  Then did the loop along Lugard Road and Hatton Road.

Returned through Central to Star Ferry:

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hike from Quarry Bay to Mt. Parker to Stanley; Hong Kong Island (Feb. 19, 2012)

Hike started in Quarry Bay at King's Road & Mount Parker Road, proceeding to both peaks of Mt. Parker, and then down to Tai Tam Reservoir and across the Catchwater trail to Tai Tam (Pacific View Apt.).  Then I walked into Stanley Market from there.

Video from top of Mount Parker can be seen at:

Video from Downtown Stanley Market can be seen at:

HK Parkview:

Pacific View Apartments; 38 Tai Tam Road: