Sunday, November 4, 2012

HK Hike: Quarry Bay to Stanley Gap Rd. via Mt. Butler & Wilson Trail (Nov. 4, 2012)

Start at TST East (Regal Kowloon Hotel).  Took 106 bus to Sunway Gardens stop, which is a short distance to the base of Mt. Parker Rd.
Hike up Mt. Parker Rd. and then on up to Mt. Butler, Jardine's Lookout, HK Parkview - then hike Wilson Trail Section 1 (Violet Hill and The Twins), ending at Stanley Gap Rd.
Total hike time: 3-1/2 hrs. (10 min. stop at Parkview to buy liquids)
(Time from Tsin Shui Wan Au, at Repluse Bay, up over "The Twins" to Stanley Gap Road was 44 min.)

Most photos are from Mt. Butler & Jardine's Lookout because I had done the other bits in recent hikes and already posted those photos...

Repulse Bay (from 973 bus)...

Pok Fu Lam cemetary (from 973 bus)...